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局外人英文翻译(The Outsider English Translation of L'Etranger)

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The Outsider: English Translation of L'Etranger

The Outsider, also known as The Stranger, is a novel written by French author Albert Camus. The novel follows the story of Meursault, a French Algerian who lives a meaningless and indifferent life. After committing a senseless crime, Meursault is put on trial and condemned to death. The novel explores themes of existentialism, absurdism, and the indifference of the universe.

The Plot

The novel starts with Meursault learning about the death of his mother. He attends her funeral but shows no emotion. He continues with his daily routine, which includes playing with his girlfriend, going to work, and hanging out with friends. One day, he gets involved in a fight and ends up killing a man. The murder seems to have no motive, and Meursault does not show any remorse or regret. This leads to his arrest and trial, where his indifference and lack of emotion work against him. He is eventually sentenced to death.

The Themes

The Outsider is a novel that explores several themes. One of the primary themes is existentialism. Meursault believes that life is meaningless and that death is inevitable. He sees no point in dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Instead, he lives in the present and takes things as they come. Another theme of the novel is absurdism. The universe is indifferent to human suffering, and life has no inherent meaning or purpose. Finally, the novel explores the idea of justice. Meursault's trial is unfair, and his lack of emotions and indifference work against him. The novel raises questions about the nature of justice and the role of the legal system in determining guilt and innocence.

局外人英文翻译(The Outsider English Translation of L'Etranger)

The Significance

The Outsider is considered to be a significant novel in the existentialist and absurdist literary movements. It challenges traditional ideas about morality, justice, and the purpose of life. The novel's protagonist, Meursault, is often seen as a symbol of the human condition, representing the idea that life is ultimately meaningless. The novel is also significant for its exploration of the nature of freedom and the role of society in shaping our perceptions of reality. The Outsider continues to be a thought-provoking and controversial novel that challenges readers to question their beliefs and assumptions about the world around them.